About Calvary Baptist
The Mission & Vision of Calvary Baptist Church
Our Mission
The mission of Calvary Baptist Church is to worship God, teach His message, grow in faith, and serve in the name of Christ.
Our Vision
We will enable and empower a community of saints to evangelize and embrace the world through Christ’s love.
The Covenant of Calvary Baptist Church
We state that we are believers in the Bible as God’s Word, in the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, in His death to pay for our sin, and in His physical resurrection from the dead in victory over sin and death; and that we believe in salvation by faith and in believer’s baptism by immersion. Having been led by God to join Calvary Baptist Church, we enter into covenant with the membership.
We pledge to give ourselves to the worship of God through the submission of our lives to Hum and by consistent participation in the public, corporate worship of the body of Christ. (Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 10:25).
For the sake of unity in the body we commit to showing respect for our fellow believers, including the different perspectives of other members of the church. (Ephesians 4:1-6, 22-32).
We pledge to manifest brotherly love for our fellow believers through prayer for each other, through physical and emotional care and compassion, (Ephesians 6:18, 1 Corinthians 12:25, Galatians 6:2, James 2:15-17, 1 John 3:16-18) and through spiritual accountability. (Hebrews 3:12-14, 10:24).
We pledge to support the ministries of Calvary Baptist through financial giving. (1 Corinthians. 16:1-2, 2 Corinthians 9:7).
We pledge to support the ministries of Calvary Baptist through the use of our spiritual gifts as God call us. (Romans 12:1-6, Ephesians 4:16, 1 Peter 4:10-11).
We pledge to seek personal spiritual growth and relationship with God through Jesus Christ. (John 12:21, 15:1-11, Romans 12:1-2).
We pledge to conduct our lives consistent with Christian values and instructions. (Ephesians 4:14-24).
The History of Calvary Baptist Church
“Celebrating Christ for Over a Century”
Original Church Founding
- CBC was founded with its original name of Fisher Memorial Baptist Church
Structure Fire
- The original church building was lost in a fire
A New Beginning
- A dedication service for the new church building was held, and the church was renamed Calvary Baptist Church on August 25
Expanding Education
- A dedication service was held for the new educational wing
Looking to the Future
- The land at the present church site was purchased
Groundbreaking for Calvary
- Groundbreaking services were held on November 23 at the present church site
Moving In
- Bethlehem United Methodist Church purchased the previous CBC church building
- The first church service was held in the present church building in what is now the fellowship hall
Expanding Services
- Completion of the building of the new sanctuary and the first church service held in the new sanctuary
Creating New Opportunities
- CBC completed Phase 1 of our expansion project, building the new “Field of Faith”
Visit Calvary Baptist
Calvary Baptist Church
9388 Village Hwy
Concord, VA 24538
Phone (434) 993-3128
Service Times
Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Worship Service 11:00am
Sunday AWANA & Youth Group 5:30pm
Sunday Adult Fellowship Group 5:30pm
Wednesday Bible Study & Youth Program 7:00pm