Calvary Baptist is excited to announce the launch of our newest outreach service, the Calvary Clothes Closet. Members of the church and community have been donating gently used and new clothing over the last several months in preparation for our grand opening, which will occur on Saturday 21 August 2021 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM at Calvary Baptist Church in Concord, VA.
The Calvary Clothes Closet is open to the community and we encourage all those in the community who have a need to come and check out what we have available. We will have child – adult sized clothing and shoes, FREE. We will be set up in the church foyer near fellowship hall. We are asking that people enter in the door closest to the field (look for signs). We are asking that people take only items that they need – items are not for resale.
If you are interested in donating to or volunteering with the Clothes Closet we would love your help! For more information about the Calvary Clothes Closet please contact the church office at (434) 993-3128