“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – II Timothy 2:15

AWANA meets every Sunday Evening

5:30 pm to 7:00 pm September through May

AWANA is an exciting program that we offer for children ages 3 to 12. Our goal is to equip children for life by helping them learn the Word of God. Club meetings are tons of fun thanks to our dedicated workers!!

Cubbies: Preschool

Developing respect for God, His Son, and His Word

Sparks: K-2nd Grade

Building a Biblical knowledge base

Truth & Training: 3rd-6th Grade

Learning how to live in God’s grace and show grace to others

AWANA Staff and Program Members

Awana Commander: Chris Wade

Co-Commander: Kim Martin

Secretary: Stephanie Wade

Awana Leaders:  Tara Kellam, Tiffany Spicer, Joe Danos, Kelly Leming, Jeff Grant, Chad Harris, Stefanie Russell, Chantel Smith, Pam Foody, Dawn Johns, Lisa Moore

Kitchen Crew:  Doug Perrow, Judy Alexander, Janet Williamson, Theresa Danos, Susan Neighbors

We're Social

Church is not a building. We extend God's love to our community and online through all our social media channels. Connect today!

Visit Calvary Baptist

Calvary Baptist Church

9388 Village Hwy
Concord, VA 24538
Phone (434) 993-3128

Service Times

Sunday School 9:45am
Sunday Worship Service 11:00am
Sunday AWANA & Youth Group 5:30pm
Sunday Adult Fellowship Group 5:30pm
Wednesday Bible Study & Youth Program 7:00pm

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