Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

News & Announcements
Published March 14, 2021

The annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering continues through Easter Sunday, 4 April 2021. Calvary Baptist Church has set a church goal of raising $1,000 for the Annie Armstrong offering this year. The Easter Offering was started in 1895 by the Woman’s Missionary Union to directly benefit the work of the Home Mission Board, now the North American Mission Board. It was named in honor of Annie Armstrong, the first national executive leader of the Woman’s Missionary Board, in 1934.

The Easter Offering directly supports the efforts of the North American Mission Board in church planting and compassion ministries. Today, more than $1 billion has been donated by Southern Baptist churches and individuals, supporting these efforts. Because of this sacrificial giving, donors to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering have helped millions of lives to be transformed by the power of the Gospel.

Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support to thousands of missionaries across the globe, who are planting new churches in unreached communities and helping them meet the needs of those communities through compassion ministries. Every day lives are transformed and impacted, all helped by the donations received to the Easter Offering.

In an effort to help meet our fundraising goal, Calvary Baptist Church has created a special donations page specifically for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, which will allow online users to make donations directly through the donations page. Additionally, donors can use our main giving page and select ‘Annie Armstrong’ as their donation designation.

Special Offering Page Calvary Giving Page

To learn more about the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering or the North American Mission Board, please visit their website at or


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